
Advances WordPress Website Mastery Course

Original price was: ₨15,000.00.Current price is: ₨10,000.00.

  •  Course Fee: Rs. 15,000
  •  Special Offer: Rs. 10,000
  •  Course Duration: 10 Weeks
  •  Class Days per Week: 2 Days
  •  Recommended For: Beginners
  •  Tools: WordPress, Page Builders
  • Fully Practical Course Project Based

Advance Wordpress Website Mastery Course

Become a Certified Advanced WordPress Website Mastery Xpert

CMS Web Design (Complete Course)

Fully Practical Course Project Based


(WordPress + Elementor + Freelancing)

Learn Wordpress Course

For the ease of people, it’s totally free to download and use.


Wordpress is known worldwide for website building. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system(CMS) predicated on PHP and MySQL, which means that it can be modified by anyone at any time.  Moreover, it has withal been utilized for other application domains such as pervasive display system and is the most popular website management system in utilization.

What is CMS  (content management system)?

A content management system (CMS) manages the formation and modification of digital content. It typically fortifies multiple users in a collaborative environment. CMS software offers a potent and integrated solution to manage and monitor systematically; each CMS server can manage up to 16 contrivances simultaneously. CMS software is excellent for every security demand.

Why you should learn Wordpress?

Wordpress helps you to study its code and write their own apps (plugins) and templates (themes) for it. Wordpress is free as in freedom and it’s easy to customize with themes and plugins. Moreover, it’s SEO friendly and easy to manage. Additionally, it can handle different media types.

Skills you will gain by attending Wordpress full course

  • Designing a website effectively.
  • Implementing templates.
  • Setting-up plugins and widgets.
  • Configuring sliders and menus.
  • Uploading, optimizing and managing website

Wordpress Course Outline

Our WordPress training course has been designed to give you complete coverage of the tool, so you can work effectively fast. We take you from the basics to a practical level, developing your skills and getting you to use them straight away. If you can create a word document you can use Wordpress.

1. Web Core

  • Networking
  • Internet
  • Domain
  • Hosting
  • Website & its types; Dynamic & Static
  • Blogs, Web, CMS, MicroBlogging, Social Community,Application

Introduction to web accessories

  • cPanel
  • FTP Softwares
  • Color Picker
  • Pixel Ruler

2. WordPress Introduction

  • What is WordPress?
  • How much does WordPress cost?
  • How/where do I get WordPress?

WordPress Installation


  • Reserving a domain name
  • Choosing web hosting

Installation on Server

  • Installing WordPress from scratch
  • Creating & Connecting Database
  • Changing your password

3. Getting Started

Overview of the Homepage

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Sidebar
  • Search

First Face of Dashboard

A blog would be made, in default theme.

4. What is the post?

  • Your first post basics
  • Post; Details
  • Working with photos
  • Working with videos
  • Categories & slugs

5. What is a page?

  • Difference between post & page
  • Your first page
  • Pages; Details
  • Working with photos/videos

6. Media

7. Links


9. Themes

  • What is the theme?
  • Finding a great theme
  • Theme directories
  • Paid themes
  • Installing a theme, ways & techniques

10. Plugins

  • What are plugins?
  • Folder & File Strategy
  • Finding plugins
  • Plugin directory
  • Plugin search
  • Installing plugins – ways & techniques

11. Widgets

  • What is a sidebar?
  • What are sidebar widgets?
  • Choosing and installing sidebar widgets
    • Adding links
    • Adding text and images
  • Header; how to make a beautiful header?
    • Using theme features
    • Using Static images

13. Footer; How to maintain Footer?

  • Using widgets
  • Static & gif images

14. Working with sliders

  • Working with Theme options
  • Using plugins
  • Dynamicity & possibilities

15. Menus

  • Menus default options
  • Theme default options
  • Arranging multiple menus

16. Users

  • Add/edit users
  • User roles
  • How to delete users

17. Tools

18. Settings

  • General
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Discussion
  • Media
  • Privacy
  • Permalinks

Changing & working with a new theme, this too would be a blog.

19. Themes; Advance Lecture

  • Finding a great related theme
  • Theme Options
  • Troubleshooting with theme options & wp default options
  • Artisteer; download, usage, tips & tricks

20. Plugins

Plugins; Advance Lectures

  • Choosing a plugin
  • Recommended plugin list for:
  • Photo galleries
  • SEO
  • Contact and other Forms
  • Web Statistics
  • Anti Spam
  • Social Networking
  • WP Super Cache
  • Google Sitemaps XML
  • Search Everything
  • WP-DB Manager


  • Working with Advance Plugins
  • Forms; reading and customizing a contact form
  • Anti Spam; Preventing Spam in your comments
  • Social Networking; Hooking in Twitter and Facebook
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Making your site more “Google Friendly”
  • Ecommerce plugins/themes overview
  • Video advance plugins

21. WP in operation theater

  • Location of files
  • Customizing website as required

A new website would be made using a premium theme

WordPress Expert Level

22. Understanding the exact needs of the website

  • Business/organization/product info
  • Vision & expectations from website
  • Estimated budget/time

23. Posts

  • Backing up & restoration
  • Bulk post creation/deletion

24. Migrating WP

  • From localhost to a server (all possible scenarios)
  • Using advance plugins
  • Auto installation of WP on server

25. Managing Users

  • Understanding user management
  • User Role management
  • Plugins used for managing users

26. How to adapt & grow the site

  • Custom Post Types
  • Custom Taxonomies
  • Parent-child themes

27. WordPress Upgrades

  • How to upgrade WordPress
  • Advanced Tips & Tricks
  • Troubleshooting & finding support on the internet


In this course, you will learn in detail about WordPress. We focus on the market demand & scope of future skills while offering the course. Our courses are recognized as the highest standards. We have a strong reputation for providing the best online trainings. After taking this course from us, you can create professional websites and earn money through office jobs, freelancing and you can start your own business.




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