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Join our Affiliate Program

Earn upto Rs: 5,000 – 20,000 par qualifying sale!

Make Money online Join our Affiliate Program

Earn up to Rs. 5,000 per qualifying sale!


When someone clicks on one of your links, they visit our website and you earn a very healthy commission when they buy one of our web hosting plans.

The best part is you do not need a website to start earning money online with the Inspedium affiliate program!

You can earn by promoting our services using:


Join Affiliate in Five Easy Steps

Sign Up 3 Easy Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Xperts Affiliate Program

The Xperts Pakistan Affiliate Program is a way for anyone to earn a steady monthly income. All you have to do is promote the links on your website or social media pages. It’s really easy to use and you can see the results in real-time from your affiliate panel, which is provided to all The Xperts affiliates

How to talk time Registration Process ?

It takes 48 hours after registration & Fulfill all Requirements. We take some time to scrutinize your application but we get back to you within 4 working days.

How dose it works?

It’s really simple. All you have to do is sign up here. Once you fill in the form and conduct the signup procedure, you will get specific promotional links which you can promote on your website as well as your social media pages. If people use your link to buy products, you will get commissions for the sales as well – which is the beauty of our affiliates program!

Is there a fee to pay to Join the Program?

It’s completely free with absolutely no hidden charges.

When do i got paid?

Validation period is 15 days. Your commission begins as soon as that is done.

How does the affiliate program work?

The affiliate program handles the affiliate accounts by tracking which affiliates have referred visitors to the website and rewards them with a specific commission based on what the referred visitor did on the website (purchases, sign-ups, etc). Affiliates use the affiliate referral link/URL to promote the current website or products. Specific affiliates are tracked because their IDs or usernames are appended to their URL, therefore the system can track which affiliate link brought a customer to your website. If the customer successfully completes a conversion (i.e. a sale, or a form submission), a referral will be generated and the affiliate will be awarded a commission. Affiliate Bar With Affiliate Bar you will easily generate affiliate links with just 2 clicks.